Webs of Deception

Fall, it’s a time of leaves falling and changing its colours. As the air becomes crisp and the spiders spin their webs. So also the enemy spins his own webs that we so easily fall into. A fall that paralyzes the believer leading them to forget the things that they once learned and fall into empty traditions of man (Colossians 2:8; Philippians 4:8). A fall that leads the believer who once learned and put things that are Holy into practice to change their colours and fall back into the ways of the world. No longer reading their bibles. No longer going to Church. No longer in fellowship but instead place themselves in a sort of hiding. Lacking in prayer life, and wondering why their life is lacking in that Godly power that they hear of others encountering. Those who once had a new warm loving heart have traded it in for search of their old heart and then wondered why the feelings they once had have not left their memory or been healed. It is because they have dug their old selves up from the grave and took off the new identity they have been given and placed it in the closet. They put that new identity on from time to time as if it were some sort of costume. Occasionally worn to church, or to some event, or time with the family when we want them to see us forcing a smile as if everything is okay. But who is the real person when the doors are closed? God sees who you are behind the mask, and HE wants to show the world who you are in HIS name not the mask you place on from time to time. We are drained because we allow our spiritual life to be neglected and feed our flesh. The Natural Reaction for us having an Encounter with a Supernatural God is worship and a Pure and Holy Surrender leaving us unashamed and boldly able to shout the name of Jesus to the rooftops! It’s time to take the mask of insecurity, doubt, shame and condemnation; and wear your new name and identity that GOD has given you! Don’t ignore the LIFELINE in front of you by gripping onto the chains that held behind you.
~Shawn Blosser